With data, existing or customized KPI’s will show the reality so that you can design the future.

Count on our experience to transform MS Dynamics 365 BC ERP in a powerful tool of your business.


Are your sales channels centralized? Are your prices not synchronized between the sales platforms? Can you promise a clear delivery date to your customers?

Either on-site or from the comfort of their offices, the sales teams can focus on their customers. The ERP provides them real data as it is available as a web client and as an app on your tablet or phone, regardless of its operating system. Defining simple or complex items, sales agreements, rules and constraints and set up and managed on Ms Dynamics 365 BC platform and for various e-commerce platforms we assure automatic communication between the two. This is done either as a tailored solution for your needs, or through the tools our partners have developed.
Of course replenishment methods for each item and vendor, lead times, warehouse constraints and operation complexity, are used in the acquisition suggestion calculus, so the sales are honored and inventory is kept at its optimum level.


Do you have a clear overview regarding your service and maintenance contracts? You know the errors and solutions to those equipments you provide service for, but how easy and accurate can you predict the service time?
Regardless of the service contract or the warranty status of the items, service operations are fully supported. By defining the error and resolution codes, scheduling the interventions, assuring the availability of raw materials and spare parts, defining the bins in the warehouse and establishing the optimal flows so any item is few clicks away, are making technicians and engineers work faster.

Project Management

In this business is essential to be flexible and agile towards customer requirements. How much can you rely on your software to be able to provide these competitive advantages?

We all know high-level project management means handling deadlines and budgets, people and material resources for each phase within each milestone. The details like keeping the customer up to date with project status, the flexibility to modify various elements within the project based on new specifications, the communication with the purchaser which assures materials just in time, are realities that influence substantially the project evolution and the relationship with the customer.


How easy, fast and accurate do you have an overview of your company’s activities? And here we are not considering just the workers and machines from the production area, but to acquisitions and especially to sales, where you have to deliver according to customer’s requirements.

Knowing the needs of the sales and defining people’s and subcontractor’s availability and setting up machines capacities, the production planner can start the working day. Purchasers and vendors are as well part of each planning, while the ERP provides detailed information for each product, like lead time and offering methods to check if deliveries are on time. The item movement from warehouse to production area and back, is handled in a transparent way so the traceability and availability of every item is correct in real-time.